Big Rock and Big Slide

The rain didn't daunt our dauntless Playground crew, who showed up early on Friday morning with work gloves and bagels, to work beside the professionals who delivered our new play structure, given to the school by the Trinity Parent Organization.

This is generosity at work.  Thank you, TPO!

Julie Burson, Ruth Lloyd, and Carla Hoffman were there in their work clothes.  David Herring and Ed DeMore win the Dad of the Week contest for volunteering--we couldn't have done it without them.  Several of our seniors showed up during their free periods to shovel sand and help out. 

Several of our Lower School classes walked out to the edge of the Woods to gaze with longing at this wonderful new thing that appeared at Trinity.

We installed a new slide--steep and sturdy.

And we have a new large rock in the 100 Acres, complete with fossil imprints.  If I can climb it, you know our children will love it:
I discovered that it is easier to get up than to get down.

Ruth, Julie, and Carla


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