Three Snapshots of the Lower School
Karpool Koinonia. I was walking down the Lower School Carpool line when I saw one mom jump out of her car and run up to the car in front to chat it up with her friend. The mom was apologetic ("I know I'm not supposed to do this--but I just saw one of my favorite people in the world and I had to say hello."). It reminded me of the early days of Trinity, when parents would just pull up, park, get out, fetch kids, and hang around to talk for as long as they liked. Those days are long gone. But the Trinity community that we all love is still alive and well. Parents connecting through the carpool line, remembering why they love raising their kids together in the same school. And it made me glad, too, for the excellent and efficient way the Lower School now executes the complex task of shepherding over two hundred children safely into cars in under ten minutes. Mary Dondero, I hear, is the mastermind behind this. Sixth Grad...