
Thanksgiving at Trinity is one of my favorite seasons.  We see so many parents, grandparents, relatives, and friends around school.  Many of them came for the Thanksgiving Chapel on Tuesday, where we heard the Gospel from CGS Associate Pastor Bill James.  Students and faculty brought their written thanksgivings and offered them up in the baskets by the door.  During our Chapel, several students read their thanksgivings aloud, and we enjoyed music from the second grade, the Recorder Ensemble, and the US Vocal Ensemble, with accompaniment by Trinity strings students.

Other Thanksgiving traditions: Classroom feasts, second grade pilgrim and American Indian costumes, the Sixth Grade Turkey Triathalon, and the renowned Turkey Bowl.

I am thankful for our Trinity family and the partnership we enjoy with parents, grandparents, and the ever-growing Trinity community.

Non nobis.
Kindergarten families enjoyed the Thanksgiving feast.

Second graders lead the singing of "All Good Gifts" during our Chapel.

Fifth graders read from their Wall of Thanksgiving during our Chapel.

The rain couldn't stop the Turkey Bowl.  Seventh and eighth graders played a Wall-ball tournament in the gym.

The winning Turkey Bowl team, the eighth grade Jiminy Kick-Its.

Sixth graders enjoyed their own Turkey Triathalon in the Blue gym.

The third grade parents prepared a grand feast for all three sections in the Great Room.


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